About BS Brace

Is BS Brace ingrown nail treatment new?

BS Brace is an ingrown toenail treatment that has been used successfully worldwide in over 40 countries for 30 years. With its advanced developed technology and high safety system, BS brace is the solution to treat people who suffer from ingrown toenails.

How long does it take to feel the effects of Brace?

The effects are different depending on the individual due to the shape and thickness of the nail. Most patients begin to feel immediate relief usually within 30 minutes. However patients suffering from severely involuted, thick nails will feel the effects within approximately 3 days. 

How long does the tension of the BS Brace work?
The correcting forces work for about four weeks. After this time, the BS Brace can be removed from the nail and a new one can be affixed to the nail plate.
Is there a possibility of allergies with the BS Brace ingrown toenail kit?

The Brace is not attached to the skin so highly unlikely. In 30 years of the BS Brace being used there have not been any reported allergies.

May I treat patients with diabetes?

Yes! BS Brace is the ideal treatment for patients with diabetes, because BS Brace does not require any substance to be inserted under the nail folds at the edge.
Simply adhere the brace on top of the nail plate.

If the nail is only curved on one side of the nail, does the BS Brace still work?

Yes! Even if the curve is only on one side of the nail, the brace will be mounted from side to side. Because the BS straightening system works the central part of the nail by pulling both ends of the plate. The tension of the brace can be reduced slightly as needed on other side of the nail which is not curved.


After the BS Brace is mounted, how long do you have to avoid water for?

When the last coat is completely dry after mounting the brace, which is generally 5 minutes, it can be soaked in hot water or a shower and you can go back to doing general daily activities.

Are there any restrictions once BS Brace is applied?

No! You can go back to doing general daily activities and will be able to resume your lifestyle!

Is BS Brace a permanent solution for ingrown nails?

It is depending on the patient’s condition. Your practice will examine and lead you to get the right option for your ingrown toenail. However, BS Brace ingrown toenail products work for the majority of patients.
*Keep in mind every individual is different.

From Patient

Is this BS Brace ingrown nail treatment painful when my doctor applying to my toe or after mounted?

No! BS Brace is not a painful treatment.
BS Brace is the ideal treatment for everyone even patients with diabetes because BS Brace does not require any substance to be inserted under the nail folds at the edge.
Simply adhere the brace on top of the nail plate.

How long does it take to get BS Brace surgery free ingrown nail treatment done?

Mounting the BS Brace takes approx. 10 – 15 minutes by professional who works in the field of foot care.

*NOTE: Application times will vary depending on your symptoms.

Who can apply BS Brace ingrown toenail products on me?

In order to ensure proper treatment is given to patients, our products are available solely to professionals in the field of foot care. A full list of accredited practitioners/clinics can be found on our website.

How many times do I need the Brace applied?

Depending on the patient’s conditions, more than one application may be required as a general treatment plan. As the effected nail grows, the brace will be carried further towards the nail edge, thus moving brace from original position, rendring it less effective. Which can mean possibly 1-4 applications before the issue is resolved 100%.

How much is the cost of BS Brace treatment?

As every patients conditions differ, we recommend to consult a accredited BS Brace practitioner for an estimate of cost.

How can I find my nearest clinic / practitioner to get BS Brace treatment?

Please click and see “Find a BS Practice” button below or on the top menu.
You can find and contact your nearest accredited BS Brace clinics/practitioners.
Make an appointment now!

Find a BS Practice

From Professional

Who uses BS Brace? / How can I become a BS Brace specialist?

In order to maintain quality and to ensure proper treatment is given to patients, our products are available solely to podiatrists/foot care professionals.

  Contact Us

How long does it take to apply BS Brace?

On average, experienced practitioners tend to carry out single application in approximately 10 – 15 minutes.

*NOTE: Application times will vary depending on your patient’s symptoms.

What do you do if a patient’s ingrown toenail is very thick or severely involuted?

No Problem! There is an option.

If the nail is abnormally thick, severely involuted or both, we recommend using our 4mm brace option (30% stronger than standard brace). Please refer to our before and after photos.

How many times do I have to apply the Brace?

Depending on the patient’s condition, more than one application may be required as a general treatment plan. As the effected nail grows, the brace will be carried further towards the nail edge, thus moving brace from original position, rendering it less effective. Which can mean possibly 1-4 applications before the issue is resolved 100%.

How to order BS Brace

How can I order / buy BS Brace products?

Our products are only available to accredited BS Brace practitioners/Clinics. If already accredited and wish to register, contact us at info@bs-brace.com.au to register!
If you are already registered with us and have forgotten your login password, please contact us.