B/S Brace Workshop - VIC -

July 10, 2018

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The world's fastest growing, safest ingrown toenail treatment which is a revolutionary quick, simple and painless method of treating ingrown toenails and the safest option for people suffering from diabetes.

This informative event is a great opportunity to view and feel the actual product and get to know how it works. The workshop aims to provide you with detailed insight into the B/S Brace method for ingrown toenail treatment.

We are based in Sydney and deliver anywhere throughout Australia and New Zealand. However, in order to meet TGA requirement, maintain quality and to ensure proper treatment is given to patients, training is required to cover both skills involved and the knowledge of the product.

Our products are available solely to accredited B/S Brace practitioners/clinics who are certified and have attended and successfully completed our training session. Therefore, do not miss this great opportunity!

DATE: Tuesday 10th of July 2018
TIME: *11:00am-2:00pm
VENUE ADDRESS: **Scottish House Business Centre - Level 4, 90 William Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia
PHONE: +612 8541 1247 / +61413 809 355
COST: Please contact us from below button [Apply This Workshop], then we will contact you as soon as possible to discuss further details.

*Workshop Seminar time may extend/shorten depends on how much you wish to practice.
**In the unlikely event of the venue change, details of local replacement venue will be notified as early as possible.


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